Commission for Missions and PMS Operations in Kenya

The Commission for Mission Administration:

  1. Chairman: Rt. Rev. Michael Odiwa
  2. Vice Chairman: Rt. Rev. John Mbinda
  3. National Secretary: Rev. Fr. Bonaventure Luchidio
  4. National Coordinator of Holy Childhood: Sr. Rosemary Mwangi
  5. National Administrative Secretary: Ms. Angeline Msungu

Organs of the Commission:

  1. The National Missionary Council chaired by the Bishop Chairman of the Commission for Missions. It is constituted of 15 people from different aspects of the social and ecclesial provinces of the church. They help the commission make decisions on the missionary situation in the country.
  2. The Pontifical Missionary Council that is composed of the Diocesan Directors of Pontifical Mission Societies and the Diocesan Coordinators of the Holy Childhood Association in the dioceses. This is a team of 26 Diocesan Directors and 24 coordinators who plan, coordinate and direct the programmes of the missions in the country.
  3. The Promoters and Animators of the Mission Societies in the dioceses under the patronage of the diocesan PMS Directors and Coordinators.

Aim of the Commission:

We are the Papal and Episcopal network for Evangelization and Charity work to the mission areas in the country.

Objectives of the Commission.

  1. To educate, train and empower evangelization pastoral agents with the missionary zeal and passion for Christ and His People.
  2. To create an identity of Christ’s Faithful based on the Word of God, Sacraments and Charity works.
  3. To enhance a spirit of cooperation and solidarity among the local Churches to have a preferential option for the needy churches and struggling dioceses in the country.
  4. To create a financial base for sustaining mission operations in the country through aspects of transparency and accountability of the Church donations and offerings towards mission work.
  5. Strengthen linkages and partnerships that will promote Spiritual welfare of the Christians by creating a safe environment for all people within the precincts of the Church.

Mission in the Commission.

  1. Bring people closer to Jesus Christ to Encounter Jesus in the Sacraments, Prayer and Charitable activities.
  2. Animate and form peoples’ conscience to choose good and avoid evil as a moral obligation based on the moral law of God and the land.
  3. Encourage people to share their faith stories and strengthen each other by acts of faith, hope and Charity.
  4. Encourage people to make proper sacrifices towards mission works by donating to mission by going or donating to mission by giving in cash or in kind.

The Commissions Programmes of the year.

  1. We create a running theme for the year in line with Papal message of the Mission Sunday.
  2. Create awareness to the public on the importance of Faith, Prayer and donations towards missionary works.
  3. Send out animation materials like posters flyers and information on the important Missionary Sundays in the Church’s Calendar namely: Epiphany Sunday, Vocation Sunday St. Peter’s Pence and Mission Sunday.
  4. We consolidate all collections for the Papal Missionary Work in the Country and transfer to the International Solidarity Fund basket for distribution and allocation to the needy areas.
  5. Assist the diocesan teams to map out plans and programmes to be funded by the Pontifical Mission Societies.

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